Sunday, July 29, 2012

World of Goo (Puzzle Android Game)

World of Goo 

Slime balls everywhere and a whole lot of them are in World of Goo. If you thought goo balls were used for throwing around, in World of Goo, you can actually make structures using them. These addictive slime balls were once famous on the PC and have finally been ported to the Android platform. 

In World of Goo, players have to construct and do a little balancing with the goo balls until they reach the exit tunnel to complete the level. Sounds simple? It is actually easy during the first few levels, but once you progress to later stages, the game adds a variation of goo balls to make the game more interesting and fun to play with. Not only that, elements such as wind speed, sticky balls, spikes, balloons, and fire traps are added into the gameplay, making the game challenging during later levels. 

World of Goo is a clever little puzzler that aims not just to exercise your mental power but to entertain you as well. 

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